All event recordings of the 2021 Denman Island Seedy Saturday are now available below. Enjoy!
We trust you have enjoyed the 2021 series. Please consider contributing to the D. I. Growers and Producers Association so we can continue our programing into Spring and Summer. Donate here!!!
Serendipity Uprising
"Seed Saving 101"
February 13, 10 am
Serendipity has a long-time professional and personal interest in permaculture. He will be sharing his experience on the basics of seed saving.
"Starting Seeds"
January 30, 2021, 10am
Emily has a doctorate in Environmental Studies and is part of Two Roads Farm, website See "about Us" on the website for more about her. She will be giving a zoom talk on starting seeds on Saturday January 30th at 10 am
Pass code for video: ^C!.uG+9
"Natural Pest Control"
January 23, 2021, 10am
Arzeena is an area B rep for the CVRD and a local organic farmer - their farm's website is She will be giving a zoom talk on Saturday January 23rd at 10 am on "Natural Pest Control". Pass code for session: 8Z&haax!
"How to be a Nutter"
January 16, 2021, 10am
Dylan Gayle is a local farmer, current chair of the Denman Island Growers and Producers Association (DIGPA) and he does experimental nut tree work. He will be giving a zoom talk about his nut trees and the shelters he has been devising for them on Saturday Jan 16th at 10 am.